Friday, 5 September 2014

FATA POSTER NIKLA HERO!!! By Cl. Jeswin Mastan sdb


                    I guess you might know, how from zero one turns to be a hero.
But do you know the history of OUR FATA POSTER NIKLA HERO.

    On 16 august 1815, in becchi HE was born,
To Melchior his father and Margaret his mom.
   In 1824 @ 9 HE had a vision,
This soon became the Salesian mission.
   So you might ask what about his consecration?
  On 5th June 1841 He received sacerdotal ordination.
No wonder by approving the rules of the constitution,
On 18th December 1859 HE founded the Salesian congregation.
Though he had no much of world tour,
He always had a great predilection for the poor.
He did send his first missionaries to Argentina,
Because He had a great devotion to our bl. Maddona.
On 31st Jan 1888, HE died at valdocco and on 1st April,
He was canonised as St. John bosco.
From 188 onward till date 2014, his mission has grown so fast,
Indeed one can say Salesian society is very vast.
In 5 continents to 132 countries with 90 provinces,
 1811 houses and 97 other presences.
Though you want to know more about his history,
I am sorry for not sharing information about his ancestry.
Because more then his history and ancestry,
You need to know that this year is our hero’s birth bicentenary.
So let us join the salesians in saying: GOD TUSSI GREAT HO! &
Because not from zero to hero,
 Thus Don Bosco is my Hero.

                                                                                                       -By Cl. Jeswin Mastan sdb

Holiness Model of Don Bosco – a Spirituality of everyday Living by Cl. Joyston Machado sdb

Holiness Model of Don Bosco – a Spirituality of everyday Living

Simple things in life are often the most difficult to talk about. Like the ordinary experience of a couple together for 50years, or a simple conversation with someone you like. Similarly, when we speak of spirituality we understand that it’s a means through which God becomes meaningful to us. It is the art of linking the things of heaven with those on earth. Spirituality as a path to heaven has to take into account the path that we walk here on earth. Spirituality would therefore mean having a sense of God, or a realization that reality is a mystery.
In Don Bosco we see a man of God, who remained intensely human, in him we see a divine presence that penetrated all his human works. The model of Don Bosco is a tangible spirituality, not one that can be touched, but one that is lived. Don Bosco’s sanctity was not outside the world, but from within the world. The holiness model of Don Bosco is based on the three important pillars of his life, namely Spirit of prayer, Work and Temperance, and finally Union with God.

Spirit of prayer
Prayer is not only a verbal utterance of words, but more so it is a way of life, a synchronizing of the body, mind and spirit in Jesus. When we say we imitate Don Bosco in prayer, we particularly stress on his spirit of prayer. He prayed at all moments, whether during recreations, journeys and even during free moments. Don Bosco who could do so much for the young teaches us that in our work for and with the young prayer becomes the starting point and the thread that sustains each other.
He teaches us that our prayer needs to be:
·         Simple: heart to heart = in calling God as a Father
·         Lively: with an interior joyful and creativity
·         Authentic: spontaneously urging us to live sincere lives

Work and Temperance
For Don Bosco work was a means to one’s sanctification. Working always for the coming of the Kingdom, in other words for souls. With a spirit of prayer, Don Bosco calls us to imitate him in turning our work into prayer. Not so much in replacing work for prayer but work done in love and with charity.
Don Bosco would say, ‘Work and temperance will make the congregation flourish’. By temperance he meant self control and the training of the heart. It is the moderation of one’s inclinations and passions.
The practice of work and temperance brings about a Union with God.

Union with God
We must understand that there is a divine dimension of Salesian work, the feeling of the need for God in all his works. And therefore activity is seen here as a means of sanctification. This calls for a training of our hearts and minds to a new tune. A conscious tune that makes us realize that we are in relationship   with God at every moment of our life.
The only secret Don Bosco shares with his sons as a spirituality of everyday living is to fix one’s heart and mind on God.
                                                                                                        -By Cl. Joyston Machado SDB

What is it to be Holy??? by Cl. Nelson Mudaliar sdb

What is it to be Holy???

“You’ve got to find what you love,” said Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple Computer and Pixar Animation Studios. Joining the Seminary, wanting to serve the Lord by spreading His love to all people, I wanted to taste holiness. Within some weeks, I was lost because my idea of holiness was taking a roller coaster ride, visiting areas which I never dreamed of.
Well, what do you say? What is holiness according to you? Will you consider a person holy, who sits in the church all day, mesmerized in his conversation with God? Or will you call a person holy, who has a heart for all people? Yes, I do want to become holy. But how, that was the question pricking my mind.
It was only later, in my living the consecrated life that I grasped the concept of holiness and now I am working to embrace it and become one, or rather being open to His Grace and allowing it to work in my life. I am happy to share it with you.
Prayer is important, firstly. That internal connection once established, it will automatically push you to be loving, to be kind to all peoples. Because once tasting the Lord, no one can but want everyone to have the same experience. In the sharing of this wonderful experience, one may feel his energy drained out. It is then, prayer acts as a battery charger. The internal relationship blossoms forth in our external relationships.
Now, here comes the tricky part. We are not all same. We have different genes, different looks, different tastes, different interests and different likings. Why? Because each one of us has a mission to make this world a beautiful place, which no one else but oneself can do.  Just to give an example, in a management crew, each person is trained for a specific work to do. The effectiveness of the whole group depends on each member. In the same way, we all have a specific mission by which we can contribute. In doing so one becomes holy. Just look around, people have different interests in which they can blossom to the full. How to fulfill this mission and be holy? Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Be a live bomb, living life!!! Not to destroy and spread hatred but to LOVE and heal all broken hearts.  BE A LOVE BOMB!!!
-Cl. Nelson Mudaliar (  

Monday, 1 September 2014

Speech on the 68th Independence day of our country...
Link for the You tube page...Speech by cls. Jeswin and Arman 

Rowan Atkinson: A Story of Weakness to Success

In the world, we hear of many people with physical disabilities who have become successful in life. For example, Stephen Hawking (Gradual...