Sunday, 29 November 2015

Pope Francis, a Man who DARES

Pope Francis, a Man who DARES

             Here is a man who dares to be different and is ready to pay the price for being so. He is man of indomitable spirit and a magnanimous heart.
He is a man of extra-ordinary simplicity and humility which is very vivid right from the moment of his election when he first greeted people in the language of the common man (good evening dear brothers and sisters), addressed himself as the ‘bishop’ of Rome and bowing down asking the people to pray for him. We find him dresses in the simplest way possible; we hear of him answering phone calls, serving the guards, inviting people on the street for his birthday celebration and what not. Wherever possible he kisses babies, embraces the sick and the disfigured faces. We are at times awe struck by his gestures; they reveal the simple and humble person he is. Greatness does not consist in big achievements, personal glory and fame but in simplicity. Invariably all people who are considered ‘great’ today were in some way people who practiced simplicity to a heroic extent. No wonder within a short time he has positively drawn the attention of the whole world.
            He is a pope of Mercy. We find in Pope Francis a person who constantly proclaims the mercy of God. He says, mercy is greatest of all virtues and God is never tired of forgiving us and He redeems every human being on this planet. If integral person is defined as one who does the things at the right time he said he would do and in the right manner he said he would do, then we have in Pope Francis a person of great integrity. There is a great harmony between his words and his life style. Today world wishes to see people of integrity and only such persons can inspire people and bring about a change.
            Far from being a man who dares to be different he expresses great care and love towards every being (human and non-human) on this earth. His daring personality makes him a sort of controversial figure; but he turns a deaf ear to all the criticisms and continues to be a wonderful sign and replica of God’s mercy and love.

            Many people quote him today not only because it has become a fashion but largely because they are inspired by the person he is. May his example set us on fire to live out our human life to its fullness and may God protect him from all dangers and continue to assist him to be His sign of Love. 
Cl. Nithiyan sdb

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