Thursday, 27 September 2018

Autobiography of a Salesian’s Comb

Autobiography of a Salesian’s Comb

By: Cl. Ethan Fortes

            I have been with this friend of mine for twenty long years. During all these years I was his most prized possession. But, over time I became hair-collector. I remember the day when I was first placed in the hands of my owner. He was a young adult so full of life ready to take on the world. And I in all my simplicity was just an ordinary comb in a paper bag. I was very excited because I knew that from then on I would be of use to somebody. On that very day, I was put to use for the first time. I remember rubbing my teeth against the greasy oil-soaked hair of this ‘then young brat’. I didn’t enjoy it but I had to learn to love it. He loved me so much that he would come to see me every day. Every morning when he arose from the bed he would freshen up and use me to make him look neat and tidy. The only thing I enjoyed about this whole routine was that I could always admire myself in the mirror that he used to look at himself. The mirror and I were good friends since we complemented each other very well.
            But, that was twenty years ago. Now, I am the least significant thing in his life. The amount of hair that I have caught in my teeth in the past five years has been quite meagre. It seems that I have pulled out a lot of his hair that he now has a tonsure on his head. Nevertheless, he still follows his morning routine of using me after freshening up. I feel sorry for the damage I had done to him because of my teeth but I hope that this isn’t a permanent damage. I am optimistic that one day he may regain the hair he had once lost.  

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