Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Choose your Side

In the past few years we have witnessed an exodus of young people leaving their real homes and families, venturing into mysterious lands, fighting malevolent forces and displaying untold bravery. This isn’t the story of a soldier leaving home but of any young person, leaving the real world in pursuit of happiness in video games. However many scientists, educationists, philosophers, researchers etc. have been unable to explain why such a phenomenon has occurred. What is the reason that people have been so taken up by these pseudo realistic worlds that they spend hours before them, full of motivation, and keep playing them?
Gaming, as the term is commonly used, has its values and vices. Video Games have been, reportedly, accused of being the cause of infusing criminal behaviour in young minds. This claim isn’t built on a firm foundation, though there has been an observed increase in belligerence seen in those playing violent games. However scientists have shown how certain games have helped increase the ability to make good decisions. Fast paced, strategic, decision-making genre related games have shown not only better ability to grasp the situation and decide but also an improvement between the hand-eye coordination. Certain games like Minecraft or Hand Simulator have helped youngsters increase their ability to pay attention because such games need an intense amount of focus in order to get the tasks completed. Moreover, it has been observed that games give the gamer, a certain boost while playing them, a release of Endorphin. The Gamer takes on the role of a protagonist in the game and goes on adventures that he or she would never find or dare to undertake. The rewards, unlike in real world underpaid rewards, goes on becoming better; maybe an enhancement of their avatar or a new ability to be used. Games like the Assassins Creed series, Halo, Splinter Cell, etc. let us play as iconic characters, through an intense mission, maybe set in a historic event ( or not ) that is not only informative but mind enhancing.
However there have been many instances where people have died while playing a game. Far worse are occasions when people carry on being their virtual avatar in the real world. This causes a huge catastrophe for the society. For the sake of privacy issues I will cite instances with anonymity . Several Youngsters have committed suicide due to a very sadistic and manipulative game called Blue Whale.  The game is based on the design of a real Blue Whale that is found to come on the shore and die. The creator of the game talks of cleansing the world of those who are weak and don’t deserve to live; his target group being those suffering from depression and its severe forms. The game is built to manipulate the player to slowly complete a certain set of tasks, the last being killing oneself. In 2010, a married South Korean couple unfortunately gave birth to a premature child and fearing the taboo of the culture, took to the internet to play Prius Online, a simulator game where they had a virtual baby to look after. In the bargain they forgot their real child which died due to malnutrition. There have been cases of people playing games for long hours, even 40 hours for some and dying due to exhaustion. Tyrone Spellman was jailed for 47 years as he cracked his daughter’s skull for pulling out his XBOX cards of the console. A 71-year-old man named Jack and his 30-year-old son Jackson were accused of brutally attacking another man during a Pokemon Go hunt in Kirkwood.
When we see the negative side of video games we tend to see an imbalance between the positive and the negative (the negative having more strength).  However we cannot forget that games are not always evil. Our choices are; there are games intended to destroy and there are games intended to build. Each game has its own ideology, background work, its own story for its creation. We are the ones on whom the
responsibility to choose the game correctly and play with maturity falls on. We must, while playing games, understand, assimilate, and respond to every situation thrown to us. This helps us use games for the right reasons. Excessive game-play is hazardous and so playing for a limited time while doing some work which is society-building is always appreciated. Understanding ones virtual self in the virtual world helps one realise who one truly is in reality and this helps one to accept oneself as being unique and essential. At the same time we need games that can help us understand reality better. It is these games that will help us enrich our reality in ways we would have never thought of.

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Youth Caught Up In Streets

Today the number of young people roaming  the streets has grown alarmingly. They find themselves in the busy streets and market places. Streets have turned into their homes which hardly provide them with the means for survival. It has become for them the order of the day to go to the busy streets and pick up scraps to sustain themselves. Some turn out to be rag pickers and live from ‘hand to mouth’, while some engage themselves in  other ways of survival which society does not approve. Others take to petty thievery and create chaos and fears to the passers-by. Survival is all that matters for them. Robbing and looting have become the fashion of their lives. In some cases, such behaviour has proved to be fatal to the lives of the people. For this reason many end up in juvenile homes.  

Causes of their plight

There are many reasons that force youn
g people to move to the streets. For the most part it is poverty that proves to be the driving force. Among the village folks and the city slum dwellers it is natural to have a large family. However, the fact is that a large family cannot afford the needs of all the family members. Therefore, an individual usually goes to the streets to sustain himself or herself, his or her family. In city slums especially there are no means of survival unless one is hired to do the menial jobs.

Family atrocity is another cause that forces young people to move to urban cities hoping for better life. It includes forms of harassments such as beating, starvation, abusive language and even threats to one’s life. Orphans are usually treated badly by their step-parents. Young people who look for independence cannot bear up with atrocities towards them especially within the family circle. This is why they move out into the streets. However, unqualified for better job employments, they mess up their lives in the streets with bad company. Some even take to addictions and  substance abuse. For this reason often society tends to look down on them.
Young people in the streets seem to have lost their dignity in the eyes of the public which is never true. Even in the face of rejection and discrimination they long for a better life and they want to come out of their misery. Deep within them, wrapped in their faces, they cry out for help and support which individuals and society as a whole could help lightening their burden.
 Johny Lamare

Sunday, 4 August 2019

Overburndened Youth

Overburndened Youth 

Ambrose Monteiro SDB

Ramanuja Jadhav, aged 24 is pursuing his studies of Commerce and comes from a humble background. To continue his studies, he is forced to work in a restaurant as a part time waiter. His salary helps him to make ends meet and ensure that he can continue dreaming to become a learned person.
              It is widely believed that the most energetic age-group award (if it ever would be!) would always, undoubtedly go to the Youth, thanks to their soaring energy levels. Youngsters often seek opportunities to prove themselves as responsible adults. They are constantly in search of identity and meaning in life.
But how much heat and pressure can they possibly bear in the process? There is always a tipping point for everything. It is very common today that people, especially the youth, are overburdened in order to yield as much profit as possible.
The Agony of Students: In a college setup, youngsters are seen running around trying to complete assignments and meet deadlines, not to forget the daily household duties which they already have. All of this slaughter is coolly termed as “Preparation for the Future.” It becomes very easy for the professors to tell and delegate assignments but at times it is just too much. Another phenomenon in today’s academics is the pressure of competitive examinations for which students prepare for months and in the bargain are stressed and lose quality family time. They lose leisure and games time ‘coz they have to fulfill the expectations of their parents and teachers. They surely have no time to lose!
The Office Rat-race: At office, young employees are often picked upon and are considered as cheap labour. A lot of work is pushed their way because they have not yet learnt the ‘tricks of the trade.’ They come to office early but often leave quite late. And in terms of payment they are paid less because of their lack of experience. All these things lead or I should say, push them into the rat race. And when they become ‘Bosses,’ the track is just replayed!
Where to Head? : With these and so many other trends, which do no good other than overburdening the youth. There is a need to ‘pull the chain’ somewhere. The agony of these youngsters needs to be understood and relieved. The need of the hour is to strike a healthy balance between healthy pressure, something that is needed for proper growth and leisure time.

Fear of Responsibilities

Fear of Responsibilities

Gaurav Sansare SDB

“Eat, drink and be merry”, this concept of the Charvakas, has been playing on the minds of many youngsters. Living the life in view of monentary gain, pleasure and fun has made the young people become ‘I-centered’.

Today’s youngsters are living by the principle of pleasure and fun and most of the basic values from our culture and families are gradually losing its place. Youngsters are seeking for freedom, as if it were there inherit right, but when it is separated from responsibility, there is danger awaiting us. Some youngsters choose to live without taking any responsibilities, eg: a child who has seen his family suffering, and has never experienced the love and care in the family, thinks that life gives pain and this leads them to abandon the truth of taking responsibilities. For them the thought of having their own family becomes a lie that they must be wary of.
Everyone seeks for true happiness, and they seek it only in freedom. They fail to take into consideration the role of responsibility because of some event in their personal and known experiences. This understanding comes from the wrong notion that they get from today’s media and modern society. For example, those youth who are in search of love, get the impression, that love is just for their personal pleasure and nothing else. The mentality of this age, has lead the youngsters towards an illusionary world.

Rowan Atkinson: A Story of Weakness to Success

In the world, we hear of many people with physical disabilities who have become successful in life. For example, Stephen Hawking (Gradual...