Sunday, 4 August 2019

Fear of Responsibilities

Fear of Responsibilities

Gaurav Sansare SDB

“Eat, drink and be merry”, this concept of the Charvakas, has been playing on the minds of many youngsters. Living the life in view of monentary gain, pleasure and fun has made the young people become ‘I-centered’.

Today’s youngsters are living by the principle of pleasure and fun and most of the basic values from our culture and families are gradually losing its place. Youngsters are seeking for freedom, as if it were there inherit right, but when it is separated from responsibility, there is danger awaiting us. Some youngsters choose to live without taking any responsibilities, eg: a child who has seen his family suffering, and has never experienced the love and care in the family, thinks that life gives pain and this leads them to abandon the truth of taking responsibilities. For them the thought of having their own family becomes a lie that they must be wary of.
Everyone seeks for true happiness, and they seek it only in freedom. They fail to take into consideration the role of responsibility because of some event in their personal and known experiences. This understanding comes from the wrong notion that they get from today’s media and modern society. For example, those youth who are in search of love, get the impression, that love is just for their personal pleasure and nothing else. The mentality of this age, has lead the youngsters towards an illusionary world.

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