Ø The Origin of the Universe
Basically, there
are three positions concerning the origin of the universe. They are
Creation, Evolution and Creative Evolution.
- This is the
most primitive theory. It is the most ancient answer that is given by man.
Creation is a position according to which the universe is produced by an
infinite being out of nothing. It exists from eternity.
- Two principles
to be understood. A being cannot create a being of a superior nature. But it
can make another being with the help of another being.
- The entire universe superior to man, so a man would not have
produced. At the same time, the universe is finite in nature. Therefore, it cannot
account for its own existence.
- Therefore, it
must have been created by an infinite being, whom the believers call as GodThe
purpose is - out of free will he created. Evidence - genesis 1\1.
- Modern
scientific development has given rise to several theories to explain the origin
of the universe. Evolution is an attempt to explain the origin of the universe
without bringing in the infinite being. In the beginning, there was a primeval
atom and later it evolved.
We give only
three of these which are the most important. They are; - The evolutionary
theory of Lemaitre, the steady-state theory of Hoyle and Big Bang theory.
1. The
Evolutionary Theory of Lamaitre: Lamaitre was a Belgian priest. For him, the whole universe existed
in the form of an atomic nucleus. It was so unstable and as soon as it came into
being it broke into numerous pieces.
And finally at
the particular time they become stable due to gravitation of earth etc.... It is a
state of equilibrium. Thus they form different planets. They are constantly
attracted to each other and repelled.
He explains the
origin of the universe in terms of a process of expansion from a
hyper-condensed state to a diffused state. For him, the universe is the violent
radioactive disintegration of a superdense primeval atom.
2. Big-Bang
Theory of Gamor: For him, in the beginning, the
universe dense neutrons. After half an hour of existence, these neutrons
exploded and the universe came into being.
Steady-state theory of Hoyle: This states that matter has been coming into the universe constantly;
this matter condensed and became stars and galaxies. They disappear and reborn
in the course of billions and billions of years.
- The starting
point of the universe is a thin hydrogen cloud that pervades everywhere.
Because of gravitation the hydrogen atoms merge together giving rise to still
larger condensations or galaxies.
of Life and Man: How did life come? There are
different and numerous theories for it. Evolution does not say that man came
from a monkey. Evolution differs as it is explained by many scientists. There is
no one definition for evolution.
- Evolution is a
a theory that holds that every living creature is originated gradually by natural descent from one or a few original creatures.
- From where do
men come from? There was a jump from ape to man, irrationality to rationality -
missing link
1. Lamark;-
A French biologist. He pointed out a comprehensive theory of evolution. There
must have been an evolution taken place. The word Biology was from him. His theory
is a transmutation of animal species. He says sometime in the past, there has
been a transformation of animal life.
- There has been
a steady increase in the complexity of organization of life, of living beings.
He finds that there has been an upward movement from simple living to a complex
living. Certain animals when they are not able to cope up with the environment,
adapt to the environment; man would have come into being this way.
The Church
reaction; - Before this theory came, the church
believed in these four - 1. Creation of all things by God at the beginning of
time as complete entities
2. The special
creation of man - God intervened and makes man from clay.
3. Formation of
the first woman from the first man.
4. Concept 1
sin - the first fall.
- In 1951 Pope
Pius XII published the encyclical called Humani Generis - The origin of man.
They changed certain positions. We need not literally believe the account of
the genesis, but should not give up the following. We believe that the earth was
created by God. We may believe in the evolution of the body of man, but the
soul has been created by god. Original sin is not by a group of people but a single
man whom we call Adam. It is from whom the humankind might have evolved. If we
deny the original sin, Christ's redemption has no value.
Creative - Evolution: Today the
The church does not deny evolution, but it states that God supervises and guides
the whole process of evolution and brings it to perfection. Evolution does not
take place randomly, as the various theories suggest. Evolution has its
beginning and end in God – The Designer.
This article has been a combined effort of Alex and Meban
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