Thursday, 21 September 2017

Let Celebrate Mary with love!

A child suddenly gets up in the middle of the night and tells her mother “mama, I am thirsty”, before the sentence of this boy is completed, his mama is there in front of him with a glass of water. ‘Maternal love needs to be celebrated.’ Mama is tired, deep in sleep, but for her child she is always ready to care. If you ask me how often I recollect the things my mama did for me, which I would have not done for her, I will be fool even to try. She gave me birth, she taught me to walk, talk and live. She taught me to love. She taught me to celebrate.

Now she is not here but she is here in her. I cherish the memories of my mama, when I see Mother Mary. A mother who is always by my side, who always remembers me, who always takes delight in me. Sometimes I forget her care and love for me. So taking this opportunity today I want to invite you all to ‘Let’s Celebrate Mary with love’.

God always amazes us. A poor Jewish girl engaged to an older man Joseph, is asked to bear the son of God. Mary humbly consents though still a virgin and the fear of the shame and scandal it will cause. Mary stood by Jesus’ side for all the great and terrible events of her son’s life. Even after Jesus’ death and resurrection, she continued to live a life of humble faith until she passed away and was taken into heaven.

Well it’s a strange story and people have struggled to understand it. Strange still are the many beautiful stories which emerged after Mary’s death. Her presence on earth is still felt and is a figure of mystifying attraction and consolation to many. Even before her birth, prophets spoke of a great and powerful virgin of humble origins who would give birth to the redeemer of mankind. No other woman in history can claim such a strange and exalted role and it seems indeed incredible that such a person could have ever walked the earth.

Everything we know about of her points to Mary as a humble woman. She was a messenger, a caretaker, a mother, a daughter, a spouse, she was a human.

Who is Mary? It can take a lifetime to get to know Mary because love gave her a thousand names. Mary has a depth and wisdom that nourishes and inspires. Mary’s mantle has brushed every corner of the world as she pours her love and grace on all her children.

She is an everyday encounter of beauty and grace especially for us Salesians. It was through her motherly intervention that the Holy Spirit raised up Don Bosco our father to contribute to the salvation of youth. It was the Virgin Mary who continued to guide Don Bosco in his field of labor among the young always inspiring and accompanying him. She continues still today by being a spiritual mother to us, his children.

I hope we experience more of the beauty, power and gentle wisdom of Mary and understand why she means so much to us. Mary has inspired countless generations with her miracles. From dramatic apparitions to gentle personal encounters, she seems to find people when they need her the most. The miracles of Mary tell us how Mary has brought together many cultures and creeds. Be it the times of war and devastation, bringing a message of peace and reconciliation, as she did in Belgium just as Hitler was rising to power, or in the wake of the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka.

I pray we strive for an open, inquisitive mind and an affectionate heart. I don’t think I will ever quite understand why I chose this topic for my sermonette but I am grateful to her for showing me reasons to celebrate her presence in my life with love.

Love is a feeling which can’t be described but only expressed; can’t be seen but only shown; can’t be heard but only felt. If life is messy; celebrate it with Mary, have no fear, because God is in her. Live like her, live with her and celebrate her with love because a mother always yearns to be pampered by her child.

Cl Jittin Varghese

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